Thursday, April 23, 2020

Language in Animal Farm free essay sample

Unable to intelligently think for themselves, the animals are easily misguided into thinking that the pigs, who become the new leaders, are acting on their behalf. All the while the pigs begin to act more selfishly and make decisions based on their own desires rather than what is in the best interest of all animals. Allegorically through the pigs’ abuse of Animalism, their manipulation of language, and their use of fear tactics, Orwell exemplifies the theme power corrupts those who possess it. The corruption of power manifests itself in the pigs’ abuse of Animalism. The pigs make decisions based on their wants and what best suits their needs. They keep the apples and milk for themselves so that they remain healthy and in charge. Napoleon believes that the pig’s needs are above all other animals. The pigs use their power to convince the other animals to perform all the labor. We will write a custom essay sample on Language in Animal Farm or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Clearly, Orwell demonstrates the hypocrisy displayed by the pigs in putting their own well-being over the other animals, especially since all animals initially agreed that no one should preside over the others as is the case in a dictatorship. Furthermore, the pigs are greedy to the extent that they are concerned with having the best food and living circumstances for themselves (Gardner 5). By the end of the novel, the pigs sleep in beds, drink whiskey, wear clothes, and walk on two feet—all of which are specifically stated in the commandments as an act that no one shall commit. In the beginning of the story, Old Major states, â€Å"All the habits of Man are evil† (Orwell 8). Eventually, the pigs take on many of the same behaviors that humans possess. The pigs begin to trade just as humans do and form alliances, which is against the commandments originally reated by the animals (Gardner 7). These actions directly conflict with the seven commandments established to support the idea of Animalism. Old Major said, â€Å"All animals are equal. † (Orwell 8) Despite the fact that the pigs slowly change over time and inequality becomes evident, the animals ultimately follow pigs’ lead. Animalism nonchal antly fades over time in a manner that the animals are unable to identify at what point the change begins to happen. Furthermore, the crooked pigs use language to manipulate the other animals on the farm. Squealer represents a Communist Soviet government in front of the media and uses propaganda as a means of controlling the people. He justifies the pigs’ corruption of power through his frequent reminders to the people of their life under Mr. Jones. Squealer makes statements such as, â€Å"Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back? † (Orwell 49). This manipulative and brainwashing strategy is Squealer’s most effective argument for the pigs continuing their rule over the animals. After all, in the beginning of the story Old Major leads the animals to believe that only man is a threat to them and that the animals have nothing in common with man. Old Major is wise, and all of the animals believe what he said about man. They have no reason to believe some of their own could be a threat. These beliefs serve as the guide for the commandments (Smyer 15). Rightfully, the animals do not want Mr. Jones to return, so despite what the changes they see among the pigs, anything seems better than having Mr. Jones rule the farm. Using rhetoric, Squealer reminds the animals that Napoleon favored building the windmill from the very beginning even taking credit for the idea, while neglecting to say that Napoleon opposed this idea under Snowball’s rule (Gardner 6). Coincidentally, the dogs are present to growl before the animals are able to question or conclude anything different than what Squealer says. Manipulation of the animals through the use of propaganda continues with Boxer’s death. Boxer is very honest and hard-working, but tragically ignorant. He supports Napoleon’s rule regardless of Napoleon’s increasing dictatorship. When Boxer becomes ill, Napoleon sends him to the knackers to be slaughtered while Squealer tells the people that Boxer is in the hospital. Squealer has no respect for the devotion and support that Boxer gives to Napoleon’s rule. In fact, ropaganda is used so much to manipulate the animals that very little is said when the time for retirement comes and goes. Napoleon said, â€Å"The truest happiness, he said, lay in working hard and living frugally† (Orwell 88). Boxer believes everything that Napoleon says and thus ultimately agrees that he needs to work harder even though he was at r etirement age. This ignorance leads to Boxer’s demise. The knackers kill Boxer and turn him into dog food. The other animals try to warn Boxer as he is taken away. However, Squealer convinces the animals that Napoleon will take care of Boxer and see that he is placed in the hospital (Gardner 6). This scenario is another example of the propaganda that is used to manipulate the animals into accepting the rules that the pigs want the animals to follow. Additionally, the pigs’ corruption and abuse of power is apparent in how they use fear tactics on the animals to achieve their goals. Napoleon needs the hens’ eggs to trade for money, but the hens refused to give up their eggs. Therefore, Napoleon issued the following decree, â€Å"that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death† (Orwell 54). Also, Napoleon uses fear to scare the animals by making them believe that Snowball would come back and harm the farm or themselves in some way. They believed that â€Å"Snowball were some kind of invisible influence, pervading the air about them and menacing them with all kinds of dangers† (Orwell 56). Likewise, Napoleon uses dogs to create fear among the animals. He takes Jessie and Bluebell’s puppies and thoroughly indoctrinates them in his rule. When the puppies grow into adult dogs, they are brainwashed into supporting and following Napoleon regardless of his selfishness. Ironically, dogs are known to be man’s best friend. The fact that Napoleon has dogs just like humans is significant in that the pigs emulate human behaviors (Elbarbary 5). Orwell illustrates how corruption exists as a part of power and how corruption is evident in the pigs’ abuse of Animalism, how the pigs manipulate language to confuse and mislead the animals, and how they instill fear in the animals if they attempt to say anything different from what the pigs say. The corruption and power in Animal Farm closely parallels the relationship between corruption and power that is seen in today’s government. Frequently, elected officials are being brought up on ethics violations or at a minimum their motives are questioned. Additionally, just as the animals are aware of what Napoleon is doing to stay above the others, public opinion about elected officials is very much the same. The public is always wondering about the ethics, morals, and values of elected officials. In comparison to the public, Animal Farm is comparable to today’s society. Corruption is at the forefront of the story and greed and hunger for power destroys what is good. Works Citied â€Å"Animal Farm. † George Orwell. Averil Gardner. Boston: Twayne, 1987. 96-107. Twayne’s English Authors Series 455. Twayne s Authors Online. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. Elbarbary, Samir. â€Å"Language as Theme in Animal Farm. † International Fiction Review 19. 1 (1992): 31-38. Rpt. in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Joseph Palmisano. Vol. 68. Detroit: Gale, 2004. Literature Resources from Gale. Web. 3 Feb. 2012. â€Å"Trees into Books, Books into Trees. † Animal Farm: Pastoralism and Politics. Ricard I Smyer. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1988. 96-133. Twayne’s Masterwork Studies 19. Twayne s Authors Online. Web. 12 Feb. 2012.

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